Our Features
With our multiple package integration, you can tailor your software stack to match your specific needs.
Fully Customizable Booking
Customize booking plugin with form, color, and step options.
Works on tablets and mobiles
Apply your branding
Landing page creation
Responsive Design
Plugin ensures best customer experience; crucial for success.
Enhanced engagement
User-generated content
Competitive advantage
Multi-booking feature
Allows booking multiple services at once for business enhancement.
File sync and sharing
Automatic backup
File recovery
Customer Panel
Customers manage appointments, profiles easily with Customer Panel feature.
test serv
Personalized email campaigns
Landing page creation
Custom Durations
Custom Duration feature offers flexibility in booking with multiple service durations.
Enhanced engagement
User-generated content
Competitive advantage
Waiting list
Limited reservation dates; Waiting List secures availability.
File sync and sharing
Automatic backup
File recovery
Rating and Reviews
Reviews and ratings impact businesses significantly by shaping brand image.
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Personalized email campaigns
Landing page creation
Custom Forms
Appointment Booking Plugin caters to various businesses, customizable forms may be needed for specific processes.
Enhanced engagement
User-generated content
Competitive advantage
Conditional Prices
Introducing "Conditional Prices" for customizable appointment pricing strategies. Empower control and dynamic pricing.
File sync and sharing
Automatic backup
File recovery